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By desember 12, 2012desember 16th, 2016No Comments

Norðurlandaráðstefna lífeindafræðinga NML2013 verður dagana 12.-15. júní n.k. í Þrándheimi í Noregi. Við höfum sett hnapp með tengil á heimasíðu ráðstefnunnar hér á forsíðuna til hægri.

fyrsta auglýsingin frá þeim fylgir hér með í pdf.skjali:


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The NML Congress is an important Nordic arena for professional updating, inspiration and networking for Biomedical Laboratory Scientists.

Scientific programme
The NML congress 2013 offers one plenary session and five parallel sessions each day, as well as several additional special sessions for in-depth learning in selected subjects. There will be lectures in the following subjects: Medical biochemistry, clinical pharmacology, haematology, coagulation, immunology, transfusion medicine, medical microbiology, histology and cytology, point of care testing, Preanalysis, biobanking, flowcytometry, education, management and ethics.

The official congress language is English.

Posters and oral presentations
Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations at the NML Congress will be accepted. Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 1 February 2013. Download application form and more information from the congress website

Travel, accommodation and social events
Trondheim is the historic capital of Norway and the Congress social programme of the congress will give participants the opportunity to explore the city. Trondheim is located in the middle of Norway with easy access by plane from Reykjavik to Trondheim Airport Værnes. Hotels and social events can be booked through the on-line registration.

More information, scientific programme, poster information, prices and deadlines are to be found at the congress website

NITO The Norwegian Institute of Biomedical Science welcomes you all to attend this exciting event in Trondheim June 2013!

Best regards
Marie Nora Roald
Senior Consultant
The Norwegian Institute of Biomedical Science
Phone direct +47 22 05 62 68 I Mobile +47 415 70 968 I Phone +47 22 05 35 00
E-mail [email protected]  I Web

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